Click of a Button
The great thing about the internet is that it has brought the world closer to an unimaginable extent and everything is available at the tip of your fingertips. The internet has made our life so easy that people can literally make their living off of the internet. On the same basis making your travel arrangements has gotten easier. Standing in line for booking your tickets is a thing of the past. So, the project that our group has been working on is making a railway reservation system and in this blog, we will be discussing the booking of the ticket and the canceling of the ticket part. Booking the ticket The most important concept that we have applied in this part is the concept of inheritance . Just to give you a small recap, inheritance is the process in which one class inherits the data members of another class and can use the members without redeclaring them and creating a ruckus. When you run the program, the window that first pops up looks like this...