A tour of Object-Oriented Programming


Welcome to this Blog Series. This is a part of the OOP course Home assignment based on our implementation of an OOP Design. Before heading towards the design, let us touch upon the importance of the OOP.

Object-oriented programming is now the demanding technique in the coder community. Along with the user-friendly approach, exponential data mining gave birth to challenges for big data handling. ‘C’ as the primitive computer language, focuses more on procedural approach simplifying primary ways for problem-solving. Basically, it consists of writing computer understandable list of instructions that are organized as functions. It is much easier to access data. However, OOP treats data as a more sensitive element throughout the chain and does not allow it to flow freely around.

Looking a bit inside, it all consists of small classes and objects just like microscopic cells in leaves. It may vary in size, shape but nothing will be outside a single cell. Mutually all are private, protected to each other, but as required content can be shared to respective cells, here classes. This uniqueness is the major motivating factor for topic selection. Data structures are designed such that they characterize the objects.

Reservations are booked, updated, canceled and altered. Transactions should occur without loss of data, memory leaks and malfunctions. OOP is the best suite for such problems. As new data and functions can be easily added, dynamic systems are built upon this concept all over the world. Every tiny little system can be viewed as an ‘objected-oriented viewed’ system and split further until you find nothing but objects.

As Steve Jobs once said, 
“Everybody should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you to think!”
OOP provides a concrete way to build hypercomplex systems with few tools like polymorphism, dynamic binding, and inheritance. It is beyond just writing a few liner codes. It is beyond sitting next to Personal Computer and collecting snippets. It is way farther than compiling a few bytes and sending it to machines. It is a culture. It is a philosophy. It is a constantly growing pool of ideas and innovation.

Let us explore this flourishing world of objects. Let us orient with changing dimensions and aspects of the programming community. Let us have a tour!

- Sampada Petkar
  (K 62)


  1. Thank you for appreciation! Feel free to ask doubts

  2. Keep posting.. good work!

  3. Please read following blogs for more interesting stuff!

  4. Very interesting...keep sharing

  5. OOP concept explained in an excellent way!!Keep posting similar articles!!

    1. Thanks alot! Readers like you gives us inspiration. Stay tuned for more such articles!


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