Vacancy Status and Passenger Information Display System

1.        Vacancy status based on priorities:
In the previous blog, we have seen priority function which is based on age and gender criteria. Age and gender are assigned using given information by the user. In the first part of this blog, we are going to discuss the vacancy status display function which is based on priorities.
The most important concept in object-oriented programming which we have used in this part is nothing but inheritance. The function named as ‘status_display’ which is inherited from passenger class which derived from base class is used for showing the vacancy status in a particular train. In the priority function, we assigned four priorities and the maximum limit of each priority is three.
Now to see the vacancy status the choice you have to pick is the fourth option. So, to see the vacancy status table you have to press 4. So, basically, we have used switch case to call the function when you press the desired option. In the beginning, when there is no reservation i.e when the reservation list is empty, table will show all the priorities will show their maximum limit which is three as shown in Fig. 1. When the reservation process is going on, priority in the particular category decreases with the help of user’s information which is provided at the time of reservation. It is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1 When the reservation list is empty

Fig. 2 When the reservation process is going on
1.        Passenger Information Display System:
Passenger Information Systems (PIDS) are digital information systems that display real-time information for passengers at the railway stations. Due to this, they also offer news and entertainment content as well as safety and emergency announcements and much more. In the second part of this blog, we are going to discuss the ‘Rail Display Network’ which is used to display the details of the train as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 Rail Display Network
 The RDN screens will display information related to arrivals, departures and running status of trains including expected delays and other relevant information like platform numbers, coach guidance and ticket confirmation status, etc. So using the ‘viewdetails’ function, we are going to implement this network with the help of train number, name of the train, destinations, charges per person and time. In this case, if you have to see the details of the train, the choice you have to pick is the fifth option. Hence you have to press 5 to see the details of the trains.
The details look like this:

Fig. 4 Passenger Information Display System
- Aman Ladkat



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