
Showing posts from April, 2020


Please find the details listed here. CP title: Railway Reservation system Description: The following work is an OOP course programming project, based on the core fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming. In this project clear and apt demonstration of the OOP properties like inheritance, function overloading, etc. are highlighted. This project is a Railway Reservation System which presents a user interface which provides the user with various services related to training reservation like registration, seat vacancy, cancellation, printing ticket, etc. It can also be used by an operator to add, delete, and display trains. In this project, the user can glance through all the trains available, the details about the train. Similarly, the user can book a ticket here in the UI itself. If there’s an emergency and the user wants to cancel the ticket, even that feature is present in the code. These are just some of the mere highlights of the actual project, a detailed presentation will...

The End of the Ride

Choo Choo!!! And we have finally reached our destination. This blog will be the coda of our series on the Railway Reservation System project using Object Oriented Programming. The group has come a long way after posting weekly blogs from the start of the semester. We tried to make this series as interesting and as fun as possible. But as they say “Gratitude always goes both ways.” We also have learnt quite a bit from this blog series. Being Engineering students the idea of writing a content blog was so mysterious to us but as we reach towards the fag end of the blog series, we can muster some courage and say that our content writing skills have certainly ameliorated. Just to give a brief overview of what we have learnt so far right from the first blog, I’d like to say that we started of by discussing what object-oriented programming actually means and how it is different from the quintessential procedural programming. Further we discussed why do we actually need OOP f...

Future Scope - the next destinations!

A Railway Reservation System we worked on is a basic system which can be modified to increase efficiency, to develop an interactive user interface and to make it real time. We can build a railway reservation system which can be developed over a script language like PHP , database management system like MySQL and a server like Xampp. Using a database – Details of trains can be stored into train tables         Each entity (booking, ticket, train) contains a primary key and unique key          There can be relationship established between entities and  implement indexing     We can connect the Database to our C++ code by using MySQL library in the code. We can access it during run time execution, making the system adaptable. Following the connectivity program - We can create queries to edit and access the database tables. We can also create an User Interface for thi...

Do you have a ticket?

Passengers, you have booked a seat in this journey. Can you show us the ticket? Ticket is an essential necessity whenever you travel in a train. So now that your seat is booked we will issue a ticket to you, which will help you travel with us hassle-free. Lets print the ticket! The function printticket() will take the value of head node and print the ticket. void passenger :: printticket(struct node *head) {                 struct node *p=head;                 char name1[20];                 cout<<"\n Enter the name of passenger to print ticket:\n"; The traversal in the list to display registered passengers.                   while(p)    ...

It's moderator's Office

Hello! We are back! Let's move one step up. We have discussed the important functions of the passenger class until now. We also discussed the important building blocks of C++ - the overloading and dynamic memory allocation. Let us look at actual implementation now. In this blog, we will be discussing more about the functions of the Moderator class. Moderator is the higher authority class which actually is able to modify the details of trains and can alter the timetable. Let us look at the functions one by one.  As we have discussed in function overloading we have two functions having the same name but different parameters as input. Here is the illustration of a function named add_trains().  class moderator { private: trains *head,*tail; public:     moderator()     {         head = NULL;         tail = NULL;     }  ...

Don’t Overload Your Brain Just Chill

In this blog part we are going to go through understanding what is overloading. We will study the concepts of overloading because in the following blogs to come which describe the working of the code, we have particularly used it. So just Sit Back and Relax and keep scrolling! Basically, Overloading is divided into two parts:   Function Overloading Function overloading or method overloading is a concept of using functions of the same name again and again in. The main requirement of function overloading is that you need to pass different number of arguments in the function itself. Or else you can pass the same arguments in function but they need to be of a different data type. Also, the return type of the function can be different. Generally, function overloading is often confused with different forms of polymorphism where the choice is made at runtime. Now let’s move on to an example to get a more hand on experience on what actually function overloading means. Che...