Do you have a ticket?

Passengers, you have booked a seat in this journey. Can you show us the ticket?
Ticket is an essential necessity whenever you travel in a train. So now that your seat is booked we will issue a ticket to you, which will help you travel with us hassle-free. Lets print the ticket!

The function printticket() will take the value of head node and print the ticket.
void passenger :: printticket(struct node *head)
                struct node *p=head;
                char name1[20];
                cout<<"\n Enter the name of passenger to print ticket:\n";

The traversal in the list to display registered passengers.


The strcmp() compares two strings character by character. The names stored in list and the name entered will be compared. Linked list is traversed to match the name.

                                //Display details
                else if(p->next!=NULL)

A train number can be stored in train_num to display the train’s details or print it in your ticket. The specifictrain() function will help in displaying these details :

void passenger :: specifictrain(int train_num)
                if (train_num==1001)
                                cout<<"\nTrain:\t\t\tBanglore Rajdhani Express";
                                cout<<"\nDestination:\t\tNew Delhi To Banglore";
                                cout<<"\nDeparture:\t\t9am ";

Once you have completed this process, you will get the ticket.

Here is your ticket!

More about Linked List Traversal : Traversal means going through or examining each node of the list. We start from the beginning and visit one node at a time until the end of the list (until NULL is reached). We need the first element (head in our case) to reach to any element of the list. So, we will do the traversal using the ‘head’ and then proceed to the next element of the list.

Question for you, we would like you to answer in comment section :

True or False – Array is better than Linked list, when it comes to element search.

- Aditya Wyawahare
(K 84)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment! Feel free to ask any doubts!

    2. Nice Explanation

  2. What do you mean by a node?

  3. It is a basic element/unit of any data structure which could be linked to other nodes. It contains/stores the data.
    Thank you for your support! Feel free to ask any doubts!

  4. Thank you for your comment! Feel free to ask any doubts!

  5. Thank you for your comment! Feel free to ask any doubts!

  6. Great Work ! ����


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