Future Scope - the next destinations!

A Railway Reservation System we worked on is a basic system which can be modified to increase efficiency, to develop an interactive user interface and to make it real time.
We can build a railway reservation system which can be developed over a script language like PHP, database management system like MySQL and a server like Xampp.

Using a database –

  • Details of trains can be stored into train tables
  •        Each entity (booking, ticket, train) contains a primary key and unique key
  •        There can be relationship established between entities and implement indexing


We can connect the Database to our C++ code by using MySQL library in the code. We can access it during run time execution, making the system adaptable. Following the connectivity program -

We can create queries to edit and access the database tables.

We can also create an User Interface for this kind of system.

The Internet of Things is inter-networking of physical devices, buildings, and other items which are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuator, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data. The devices which are connecting to internet are called IoT Devices. In technical we can say it as the device which has IP Address is called as an IoT. In general ticket reservation for the Indian railways is quite a complex process. We can build web-based application for reservation and mobile application for ticket verification process.

- Aditya Wyawahare

(K 84)


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